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Processing 4 As A Java Package In Eclipse

11 Apr 2021

In this short tutorial you will learn to setup a new Eclipse project that imports Processing 4 as a Java package.


  • Configure build paths

build paths

  • select ‘Add External JARs…’


  • browse to processing/core/library and select all .jar files


  • add a class with the following code as an example
import processing.core.*; //import processing

public class HelloWorld extends PApplet {

	float r; // rotation
	// The argument passed to main must match the class name

	public static void main(String[] args) {

	public void settings() { // startup settings
		size(1920, 1080, P3D);

	public void setup() { // setup called after settings
		stroke(255, 0, 0, 255); // set stroke color and weight

	public void draw() { // draw loop is calling every frame
		background(0); // clear background
		translate(width / 3, height / 3, 0); // translate and rotate the coord system
		box(width / 10, width / 13, width / 7); // draw a box

	public void mouseClicked() // mouse event hook
		if (mouseButton == LEFT) { // mouse button variable and enum
			r = r + 0.1f;
		} else if (mouseButton == RIGHT) { // mouse button variable and enum
			r = r - 0.1f;
  • Done. You are now ready to use processing within ecplise as you see fit. Happy coding.