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Fuzzy String
Calculate approximate string / text similarity in Unreal Blueprints or C++.
Step-by-step usage guide
- Open the plugin settings of your project.
- Make sure FuzzyString is enabled. Restart UE eventually.
- Optional: The plugin contains a demo to conviniently try out the different string similarity methods. To open it, make sure you have Show Plugin Content enabled.
Then look under FuzzyString Content to open the demo level to try out the widget or open the widget to see how the plugin is used.
- Within any Blueprint Graph, right click and type fuzzy (eventually disable context) to see the three main fuzzy string matching nodes. They are described below.
- Calc Fuzzy String Simimlarity: Calculate the approximate (fuzzy) similarity between the strings A and B with the specified method.
- Retrieve Sorted Similar Strings: Calculate the approximate (fuzzy) similarity between the Query String and and all the strings in the array. Returns the sorted array of strings with their similaritiy values.
- Retrieve Most Similar String: Calculate the approximate (fuzzy) similarity between the Query String and and all the strings in the array. Returns only the most similar string and its similarity value.
- That’s a wrap. Cheers.
- Q: In what kind of Blueprints can use Fuzzy String?
A: Anywhere. Event Graphs, Functions, Macros, Widget / Level Blueprints.
- Q: Which string similarity method is the best?
A: It depends. I suggest trying them out for your use-case, though Weighted Ratio is a good starting point, as that is a weighted average of all other (except LCSS) methods.
- Q: How fast is it?
A: Extremely fast and neglible even if you call it on tick.
C++ Usage
- Enable the FuzzyString Plugin in you C++ project by including FuzzyString in your .Build.cs under PrivateDependencyModuleNames and make sure it is included and enabled in your .uproject file.
- Include FuzzyStringLibrary.h in your .cpp
- Full C++ API documentation here and in the source code itself.